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A Cure for Cancer?

A Cure for Cancer?

As soon as I was diagnosed with colon cancer, I started searching for “alternative” treatments and cures on the web. While I was accepting the standard medical methods for treating cancer, this was my one life and I was going to throw EVERYTHING I could at my cancer. Initially, I decided to embrace the suggestions […]

My Cancer Story Continues

My Cancer Story Continues

Okay, I have stage 4 colon cancer that has also metastasized to my stomach, liver and lungs. Now what? My oncologist thinks we can squeeze another three years out of my life if we begin “aggressive” treatment with chemotherapy. So that is the plan… or was the plan. The first item on the list was […]

Fading Away

Fading Away

I think I know what dying is like. I’ve been doing it for the past six to nine months or so. Slowly fading away. Lost 50 pounds. Mind foggy. Losing life focus and desire. Abdomen pain. Seeing myself in the mirror each morning is a real shock. With the Coronavirus pandemic, doctors just weren’t available. […]

Hiking to the End

Hiking to the End

I had been struggling with stomach issues for 8 or 9 months. With the Coronavirus pandemic, it was not possible to visit a doctor… until now. After some tests and a CAT scan, the doctor gave me the news: I have stage 4 colon cancer and it has spread to my stomach, lungs and liver.